Seeking Photos for the Video Slide Show Presentation “People Striving to Make a Difference in the Lives of Those Suffering and Surviving CRPS/RSD”

People Striving to Make a Difference in the Lives of Those Suffering and Surviving CRPS/RSD.

Hi everyone!

I’m seeking Photos for a future video that will feature those of you who strive to make a difference in the lives of those with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.

Once all photos are in it will be fairly decided who will be featured in the video. Space will be shared with other’s who work just as hard yet has either never been or has rarely been recognized for their efforts. September is Pain Awareness Month and if all goes well this video will debut during that month.

Your photo can either be a head shot or a body shot. Send up to 2 photos, if you like!

Along with your photo, in the email body, please include:

1. Name, Foundation, Organization, Website Name, Blog Name, Radio Station, Etc. (You can also list all of the above)
2. City and State. (Or  Province/ Country) (This video is not limited to the United States)
3. A brief bio on what you do (or have done) to make a difference in the lives of those suffering to survive CRPS/RSD. If the bio is too long it may be edited for space.

If you are a Mother or Father taking care of your CRPS/RSD diagnosed child, you are making a difference in the life of someone. If you are a child (adult or minor) of someone with CRPS/RSD and you are caring for your parent, you are making a difference, too.

In your email please add that you are giving me permission to use your photo and info. (I, (your name/organization), hereby give my permission to Twinkle VanFleet and RSD(S)-CRPS Advisory to use my photo and enclosed information for the Video Slide Show Presentation People Striving to Make a Difference in the Lives of Those Suffering to Survive CRPS/RSD that will be made public via YouTube.

I have personally invited a few people to be featured. If you do not get a personal invite from me this does not at all mean that I would not love to feature you. Please don’t feel shy or as if you aren’t good enough or haven’t done enough. You are just as important! This will be an annual project! No one will know from me if I’ve contacted you or if you sent on your own. That will be your business to disclose or not! ~smiles

Deadline– August 15, 2013. If you need a few day extension due to pain, please let me know before the deadline.

Please send to:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. 🙂

Thank you!
~Twinkle VanFleet

Independent RSD/CRPS Patient Advocate, Spokesperson, and Educator.

California Ambassador at the Power of Pain Foundation